February 7, 2008

Love #'s 6 & 7

Ok ok, so I kinda didn't have time for my daily blog yesterday.

So I guess Dave was right.

Oh well, I'll make up for it today!

Love #6

American Idol, and the auditions.

Especially the BAD ones!

Love #7

I don't love it because it's "Diet"...I just love the taste.

Is it just me or is it totally addicting?!


Luv Bug said...

How could anyone not like Diet Coke? It's Bomb! --Victoria

Katie Dunn said...

yeah i will agree with you on the diet coke...super addicting!!!

Amanda said...

I don't know if it's addicting, but I love the carbonation without the calories. What would I do without it? I don't even want to go there!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

We had a totally great time with you and Dave the other night, we totally need to hang out more, you two are way fun. Thanks so much for driving out here and seeing our home. We need to head out your way sometime and see your place as well. Lets talk again soon. Thanks again for coming!

Unknown said...

That chick from american idol is hot!! I want to poke her in the belly and see if she makes the sound of the pillsberry dough boy! Love you lots!!