August 21, 2009

Say what?

On our trip, alot of time was spent with our fabulous family. And with all this time that was spent together, were some memorable quotes and such. I realized that if I don't get it onto paper (or blog) then I won't remember. Les, anyone else that was there, feel free to add things. And i'll update as memories pop into my head.

"It's windy enough up there to blow over a baby. Twice. I know from experience."

"Your a peach from a vineyard"

"Santa Maria"

"You can't say that here. Stop saying Santa Maria!"

"If it's too cold to lay out, you can just sit there and look at Africa"

"Look, there's a naked man on his balcony!"

"Look, Nascar is dancing!"

"I will survive...." sung by Rachel

"I twy, and I twy..."

"If I hear one more ABBA song I am going to kill myself"

"It's so hot, milk was a bad choice"

"Can I put my (digital) camera through the X-Ray machine? Won't it ruin my film?"


Leslie Ann said...

My favorite was "Can I put my (digital) camera through the X-Ray machine? Won't it ruin my film?"

Made my day! I love you Sarah!

Sarah said...

Oooh, good one! lol. I'll add it on.

King Klan said...

Looks Like You Have Fun!

Unknown said...

Who said the digital camera thing?