November 7, 2011

Who knew?! (x's 2)

First, I must start by saying that there is a whole world of blogger that I'm completely out of touch with. Google reader? What's that? Do I know how to put that little list on the side that shows who has updated their blogs lately? Nope. And who knew that you could see the views to your blog, traffic feeds and even countries they're coming from! Seriously, it's like Aladdin..."A whole new world". I'm going to take Whitney (from Eat, Sleep, Cuddle fame) up on our conversation and have her give me an updated look and catapult me into the "real" blogging world! So Whitney, let's do this!

Also, my 'who knew' # 2 is something I am hesitant to post publicly. Don't worry, everything's ok. It's nothing scary, nothing tragic, none of that. Ready?.....I'm signing up for a 5k (insert sigh of relief, and maybe a laugh or two here). I have been wanting to get back into better shape since before I was pregnant. Then I got pregnant. Now I'm not, and the opportunity, for a wonderful cause has presented itself. The Run for Ruby is taking place on January 7th, 2012. Now that i'm a mom, I love my little lady more than words can describe. I feel so grateful for eternal families and want to show my support for the Taylor family. Getting my butt out and running 3 miles is the least I can do.

And for a sneak peek, my SIL Les took some fun pics the other afternoon of our little family of 3. I needed some cute pictures of us for Christmas cards...and she delivered!


whitney johnson said...

these pictures are adorable! leslie did such a great job! and the next time we come over, you and i can blog while the boys play with gunner/make us dinner/watch car shows. haha :)

Sarah said...

done and done!

Leslie Ann said...

I promise I will get you those final copies today!!!

Unknown said...

I read the Taylor's blog too.They live really close to you right? I weep every post she puts up. Every mother can relate to the way she feels about her Ruby. I wish I lived close. I would love to run with you. Please will you take a few steps in proxy for me? I am so proud of you that you will be attending this. Go Sarah!