November 7, 2009

what happened?

to my motivation? three hours ago it was noon. and i had already had an hour long conversation with my bestie Katie, taken a long mile or 2 walk around our neighborhood, done a load of laundry AND watched my DVR-ed episode of Real Housewives of OC (which im so excited has begun its new season!), three hours later, all i've managed to do is shower and do my hair, pull on some sweats and eat a PB & J sandwich. the dusting that i was going to do has not been done and the other loads of laundry have yet to make their way into the washer. but...i did manage to stumble across this beauty of a home, aka 11 Bonita, via urban grace interiors.

It is gorgeous! I love the spanish revival look, and apparently there are so many of them in this Alabama neighborhood! How fun! So if you have a minute or 5, go check it out.