June 17, 2012

For the Love of Dads

This handsome man is my Dad, and he's pretty awesome. I love him, and am thankful for his example of hard work, dedication, his testimony of the Gospel and love.

Thank you Dad for teaching me to build houses made of cards, taking silly photos of me as a baby in your hats, boots and laundry baskets, taking me sea-dooing in Laughlin for my 12th birthday and encouraging me in all I do. Thank you for loving me enough to smile and say "good morning" when I would come in so late you'd be getting up for work. Thank you for getting up so early for work and providing so I could go to college.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad!

And a happy Fathers Day to Shelby's Dad! 
It's been almost a year that you've been a Dad, and I must say, you're pretty wonderful! From being the 'fun' parent, to feeding, cuddling, putting Shelby to sleep, playing, sneaking her sweets or a sip of coke and so much more! I love how you love her, and because of that, I love you even more! Happy first official Fathers Day! 

Shelby, in not-so-Shelby fashion, managed a full 3 hours of church and fell asleep in the short car ride home, staying asleep even as Dave took her to her room. A rare occasion indeed.


Abby said...

Happy father's day Dave! Coop just recently started being able to transition from car or stroller to crib while asleep. Maybe they start doing it more easily around 1? I hope it lasts! This was such a sweet post:)

his little lady said...

aw, this is just the cutest little post. all such beautiful photographs capturing important moments of your life :)
happy belated father's day!!
xo TJ